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prayer patrol all over the world

What means Pray­er Pa­trol?


The name says it: When we visit our mul­ti-han­di­caped son Den­nis we pass by dif­fe­rent lo­ca­ti­ons and many pla­ces. We use this as a pos­si­bi­li­ty to let others know about God’s great love which we ex­pe­ri­ence every day. This is why we want to offer pray­er all over the pla­ces…








Pray­er Pa­trol USA


The bot­tom line of our pray­er pa­trol mis­si­on jour­ney sum­mer 2019 at the West­co­ast:

Even though we had a lot of chal­len­ges and bar­ri­ers with our SA­RAYU RV and al­ways new pro­blems co­m­ing up, we felt Gods pre­sence every day again and very ex­tre­me.

The spi­rit of our fa­ther was pre­sent every day with gui­dance, promp­t­ings and an­s­wers about our pray­ers.



Wi­thout all these pro­blems and chal­len­ges we haven’t met all these peop­le.

And we would not had all these pos­si­bi­li­ties to tell them about Jesus and to pray such a lot pray­ers. 

We are very thank­ful to serve the peop­le and so­me­ti­mes be a bles­sing in their life’s. And we want to seed some seeds and we pray that there will be fruits after time.



We feel bles­sed to do this and to have Jesus at our site every sin­gle day! He is our she­pherd.

And all our prai­se is for the Lord, for his pro­tec­ting and his care ta­king for our son Den­nis.


If you want to see a short movie, about what we ex­pe­ri­en­ced in the US, click HERE for YouTube

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