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pray thank ask receive teaserPRAY, THANK, ASK, RECEIVE! – Bete, danke, bitte, empfange!


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– Pray, thank, ask, receive!


“Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God!”

When we first heard these words in a worship song a few years ago, we had no idea where it would lead us.

For a long time we were not receptive to listen to anything about God. Whenever confronted with anything slighty religious, we immediately bounced back with „yes we believe in something, but God isn’t really our thing“. Our hearts were not open for God and his works. We were simply not ready.

That all changed as Dennis came into my (and later into my soulmate Markus’) life. Because of the many traumatic, dramatic but also WONDERful experiences with Dennis, God reached our hard hearts and made sure that we were now interested in his word and what he had to say to us. We experienced God’s unlimited. unconditional love and wanted to be his beloved children without waiting a moment longer – and now we are born again by grace through the Spirit of the Father (see John 1:13 and John 3:6), with a little understanding piece by piece, but most importantly we love Jesus with all our hearts. 

We realised what a wonderful gift it is, for God to lead you by his hand and to start each new day with him. For both of us, it changed our lives and we received the important relationship with God as his sons and daughters.

„Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new beeing; the old is gone, the new has come.“ (2. Corinthians 5,17)

Ever since, we enjoy a personal relationship with our Trinitarian God. Early in the morning, we pray „Lord, show us where you want to use us today“ and continually throughout the day until the evening when we give thanks that we can come to him, as imperfect as we are.

Then it came to us in a flash – Jesus is our saviour and not our religion and we don´t need a church or institution, just the chance to live in God’s community anywhere at any time where two or three people gather together in His name (see Mathew 18:20). Religion sets rules, but Jesus sets us free to come into the presence of God by the Holy Spirit as our helper anytime!

We are important to God every moment of the day. He is only ever a prayer away. We can come to him, as his children, at any time with what pleases, saddens or moves us. This very personal relationship is a great privilege. Being able to call God the Almighty „Abba“, Father and being able to ask for advice at anytime, for example what path we should take, combined with the wonderful opportunity of prayer and all its facets- has become the focus of our life.
In prayer, it shouldnt be about us. We want Jesus to be the center of our prayers and to see our neighbours’ needs.

We want to let others know about God’s great love which we experience every day. This is why we want to offer prayer all over the place. Whether it is when shopping with our severly disabled son, just in front of the home where he lives, in the ramblers’ car park or on holiday – whereever we are with our PRAYER PATROL, people can take up our offerIf you want to see our next movie, what we experienced in the US, look at YouTube

Pray, thank, ask, receive – that is the most important motto for our everyday life.
We want to share this invaluable privilege with YOU. Use the Contact button to tell us what is on your mind (anonymous is also OK) and WE PRAY 4 YOU!

„The Lord is near to all who call on him.“ (Psalms 145,18)

God bless all of you, Inci & Markus Auth

If you are interested to learn more about what prayer means for us, read on here why we pray.
You want to know more about the whole Story, why PRAYER PATROL was set up and about our very own experiences with God, and well as when and where we will be on the road? Please click here about our mission.

If you want to see a short movie, about our experiences in the US since 2019, click HERE forYouTube